Struggled for several nights, and finally clearance of the Sword and 4, to the above to sigh about, before diving over in the Ranger to see other people's Raiders, people sigh, people curse. The sudden hard up, attached a few days made a few stickers. .浠婂ぉ灏辩畻鏈?悗閫氬叧璐村惂锛屾垨璁稿張瑕佹綔姘村幓鍜? .
銆??浠欏墤4灞炰簬鍥藉唴娓告垙閲岄潰鍋氱殑寰堢敤蹇冪殑涓?娓告垙浜嗐? Starting the evening had just found the card not work, then condemning continued to Sina Ranger, was quite disappointed.
銆??浣嗘槸锛屾垜杩樻槸鐜╄繘鍘讳簡(澶у姣曚笟浠ュ悗灏卞啀娌℃湁鐜╄繃娓告垙锛岀壒鍒槸鍗曟満鐗堟父鎴?銆?When the University also has no interest in the game slowly, so Sword 3 ----- rumored Yigai not played there in the heroes to 4 cents a quiz question answer which made what better to do something to us Sin 3, Sin 3 rumor has not played one for a guide.
There are three general feeling.
1.鐢婚潰缁濆鍙互鐨勩? And I heard that the Chinese developed their own. Particularly like. People more sophisticated, though not compared with other foreign game, but, after all, people still looked very comfortable.
2. Fairly well written story, with Xian a whole still has gaps. .鑰屼笖浜虹墿鎶婃彙涓?璁╂垜瑙夊緱 鎱曞绱嫳鏈夌偣閮侀椃锛屼粈涔堟劅鎯呮垙閮借疆涓嶅埌浠栵紝姣忔浜哄鎶辨姳锛屼粬閮藉彧鍦ㄦ梺杈圭湅銆?. I am definitely depressed if he hit a wall. Moreover, almost never mentioned Murong of life experience, people think that some follow-up flavor. . . Is also a rumor that 4 cents?
However, the overall story is very good, some next to the payment of the same people like the story of community.鏈夋椂鍊欒繕鐗瑰埆鎰熶汉(杩欎釜寤剁画浜嗕粰鍓戠殑浼犵粺浜?
3. Character design last 1 to 1, and is definitely a landmark. . Improvement of the screen with absolutely complement each other. Like in the. . . .
4.闊充箰闈炲父闈炲父寰楀ソ鍚? This makes me very happy, and, erhu and flute ensemble is with national characteristics, so much good music so I had to buy the soundtrack cd and the deluxe version of the.
Several comments raised
1. The weapons found after the battle to replace the screen will also change. .閭d箞涓轰粈涔堜笉鎶婅澶囪。鏈嶄篃涓?苟鍋氭帀鍛? .鑰屼笖锛岃繖涓妧鏈幇鍦ㄥ凡缁忔櫘閬嶈繍鐢ㄤ簬缃戞父锛屽簲璇ュ苟涓嶉毦寰楁妸銆?br />
2. Later in the game do not know is that eating allocation algorithm or the problem itself, in the time frame into the dialogue more cards. Wanted to come to my profile is not too low
1g of memory, amd3200 the cpu, 2 6600gt in sli system card, sata2 hard drive. .涓轰粈涔堢帺鐫?孩娓告垙閮戒細鍗″憿銆?br />
3. Despite rampant piracy, but in any case the game will always be cracked, and spend so much money on the security version of the game why not do better then.
After all, a good game is not afraid of piracy. .褰撳勾鎴戝湪缃戝惂鐜╃殑浠欏墤1锛屼絾鏄紝涔嬪悗鏈変簡鐢佃剳锛岃繕鏄幓涔颁簡姝g増鐨勪粰鍓?銆?. . This is well proved.
Well finally play. . Intends to purchase after 20 Deluxe Edition (mainly for music cd, although the Internet is also obtained.. But the good thing is I want to support)
So many years so I can put, also online hair Cheats, written reflections of the game is the first time. Graduated from college more than 1 year, work he is very busy, and the latter also busy abroad, going abroad to China before the intention to play a good game themselves, in fact, full of moving. After all is hard to do really see the game.
A paste, I say we still have to more hatred and doubt, after all, their children, do not curse will not grow, however, said that, I was distressed that their children have. Census drawn hope they get better. . As glorious as that time the company sold abroad. . Sword and to stick with it. . Be 11,12,13,14. By that time, my son play, I can proudly told him how his father then persistent obsession with the obsession with this game.
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