Friday, October 22, 2010

China's own 3G licenses will be ready to go from the TD-SCDMA

12鏈?鏃ユ秷鎭紝涓浗鑷富鐮斿彂鐨?G鎵嬫満锛屽凡缁忓彲浠ュぇ瑙勬ā涓婂競锛岃繖涔熸剰鍛崇潃涓栫晫浜哄彛鏈?鐨勫浗瀹讹紝灏嗘湁鏈涘湪杩戞湡杩囨浮鍚?G鎵嬫満鏃朵唬銆?br />
According to AFP, Financial Times, said China's homegrown 3G mobile technology is ready, and put into large-scale commercial market will no longer difficult. It is reported that China will use self-developed TD-SCDMA 3G mobile phone technology, which will be different from other parts of the world market standards, such as the popular European WCDMA, CDMA2000, etc. used in the United States.

"Today's TD-SCDMA technology standard that can form an independent network? The answer is yes. Then it will be compatible mobile phones there? Answer is also yes." China's second largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer ZTE president of business process in an interview that "everything is now waiting, waiting for permission from the government and telecommunications operators action."

In fact, TD-SCDMA technology ready for market have been expecting the government issued 3G licenses the old foundation, and the license once the start, the Chinese telecom operators will start immediately to establish 3G networks and services.

On the other hand, although China has to build out their own 3G technology, the Government has said that the information and communications industry, ICT will the door open to overseas investors. Wu helped the Chinese government in Hong Kong in high-level multinational conference that today's China is very welcome hope to enter the domestic market to overseas operators, they are strongly encouraged to establish R & D center in China. "China will adhere to the policy change, welcome all international companies and local business and government cooperate to jointly promote the development of ICT industry."



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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Across threads in C # Winform control access

CAD files in the program needs to read the list of file information, it is a very time-consuming operation, so I hope through multi-threaded approach to achieve, and can be suspended at any time. Since the initial use of multiple threads, beginning with an independent thread class that return data, Thread.Join () method to wait for the thread to write data to the form after the control, no difference between the results and single-threaded; later view information through the use of MethodInvoker solve this problem, but for the concept of threading is very vague, all who experience this regard, data and other shared learning to learn.

public partial class frmMain: Form


private volatile bool _stoped = false;

private void btFilter_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)


_stoped = false;

Thread t = new Thread (new ThreadStart (StartNewThread));

t.Start ();


private void btStop_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)


_stoped = true;


private void GetFileSize ()


btFilter.Enabled = false;

using (AutoCADConnector CAD = new AutoCADConnector ())


foreach (ListViewItem t in lvSource.Items)


if (! _stoped)


AutoCAD.AcadDocument doc = CAD.Application.Documents.Open (t.SubItems [2]. Text, true, "");

double [] p1 = new double [] (0, 0, 0); / / upper right corner coordinates

double [] p2 = new double [] (0, 0, 0); / / lower left corner

double scale = 0; / / scaling

p1 = (double []) doc.GetVariable ("EXTMAX");

p2 = (double []) doc.GetVariable ("EXTMIN");

scale = Convert.ToDouble (doc.GetVariable ("DIMSCALE"));

double w = Math.Ceiling ((p1 [0] - p2 [0]) / scale);

double h = Math.Ceiling ((p1 [1] - p2 [1]) / scale);

doc.Close (false, "");

t.SubItems [1]. Text = string.Format ("(0) * (1) (2)", w, h, scale);

/ / LvSource.Refresh ();

/ / Thread.Sleep (100);

Application.DoEvents ();






btFilter.Enabled = true;


private void StartNewThread ()


MethodInvoker me = new MethodInvoker (this.GetFileSize);

this.BeginInvoke (me);



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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Photoshop make a pretty live with goldfish

As the final renderings.

Building a new layer make a perfect circle the document constituencies

Set the foreground color to red and orange background color for the gradient fill with a diameter of

Like hold down the ALT key under the plan as crazy with the selection tool to copy

Now all the layers except the background layer into a single layer extrusion layer 1 implementation of the filter distortion as shown

Copy the layer name Layer 1 and 2 to map level version to Figure 2 on Figure 1 below is adjusted by CTRL + T shape in Figure

Layer 1 in the construction of Figure 3 above oval tool to draw a circle in front of fish body is still red to yellow in the path of the fish's head as a gradient fill

In Figure 3 and Figure 1, the middle layer 4 with a brush built in the head with a red smear on the right edge drawn around the flush fish gills

Will now be combined by layer layer 1 draw with a pen-shaped path shown in Figure fish body


Remove anti-election

Goldfish with the lasso tool and feathering the top 10 Figure drawing constituency

Press CTRL + B tune out the color balance adjustment is shown in Figure

Below the fish body with a lasso drawing constituency in the emergence 10 CTRL + B notes, as Figure

Fish body with the same approach in the middle of playing electoral emergence 10 CTRL + M is adjusted with the curve

Playing a little bit in the lower right corner of the constituency CTRL + B adjustment


Department of the tail do align with the same

Well, the three-dimensional fish body basically has to do the fish eye out of the building is now playing a round layer constituency to the foreground color to yellow background color set to dark green with a radial gradient fill

Implementation of the filter effect of plastic packaging in Figure Art

In the center of the fish eye to draw a perfect circle filled with pink feathered 5 and then adjust the transparency of the eye of this layer is 66

Constituency building layers in the eye with a circle centered on a small bit of perfect circle filled with yellow and then re-emergence implementation of the strokes shown in Figure

Brush in the center of a black eye pupil then deepen and burn tool for further processing

In layer 1 is built layer below the fish body hit a perfect circle the size of the right to yellowish with a red radial gradient fill to make the other side of the eye goldfish and then built on this layer below the layer the same way Figure Drawing with a foam eye black pixel brush to draw the front of the mouth of goldfish


Now all the layers except the prospects layer into layer 1 in the top build a new layer use Lasso tool to make a long narrow triangle constituency red to yellow gradient fill to the line

Hold down the ALT key with the selection tool copy down the triangle last name into one layer 2 layer 2 layer copy and hidden for later use and then press CTRL + T transfer is shown in Figure Figure 2

Figure 2, the fin is 90 degrees to the implementation of the shear distortion

Figure 2 for the Gaussian blur with a pixel to map level version of the Figure 2 into Figure 1 below the top with the lasso tool to draw an irregular constituency fins emergence delete Figure 10

Show hidden layer to stretch some of it

Implementation of the distorted wave filter parameters for the generator is 5 wavelengths other parameters default to 1438 and then CTRL + T to make some adjustments and put it in Figure 90 degrees

Shear and then use it to adjust some of my satisfaction, after being shown on-line transfer


Look into the tail spin it at the end of the constituency to fight an irregular emergence delete Figure 10

Press CTRL + T and then to transfer are shown to make it look more coordinated and fish body

Irregular in the tail of a constituency office emergence playing 10 notes are in accordance with CTRL + B parameters 100-1000 to make it look a little to become red

The system a good copy of a fish tail and then use it to shape shear have shown some changes

In the same way as the maw of the following have done a complete goldfish fins Figure production process

The system well into the screen in the goldfish.

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Paladin 4 clearance thoughts to encourage

Struggled for several nights, and finally clearance of the Sword and 4, to the above to sigh about, before diving over in the Ranger to see other people's Raiders, people sigh, people curse. The sudden hard up, attached a few days made a few stickers. .浠婂ぉ灏辩畻鏈?悗閫氬叧璐村惂锛屾垨璁稿張瑕佹綔姘村幓鍜? .

銆??浠欏墤4灞炰簬鍥藉唴娓告垙閲岄潰鍋氱殑寰堢敤蹇冪殑涓?娓告垙浜嗐? Starting the evening had just found the card not work, then condemning continued to Sina Ranger, was quite disappointed.

銆??浣嗘槸锛屾垜杩樻槸鐜╄繘鍘讳簡(澶у姣曚笟浠ュ悗灏卞啀娌℃湁鐜╄繃娓告垙锛岀壒鍒槸鍗曟満鐗堟父鎴?銆?When the University also has no interest in the game slowly, so Sword 3 ----- rumored Yigai not played there in the heroes to 4 cents a quiz question answer which made what better to do something to us Sin 3, Sin 3 rumor has not played one for a guide.

There are three general feeling.

1.鐢婚潰缁濆鍙互鐨勩? And I heard that the Chinese developed their own. Particularly like. People more sophisticated, though not compared with other foreign game, but, after all, people still looked very comfortable.

2. Fairly well written story, with Xian a whole still has gaps. .鑰屼笖浜虹墿鎶婃彙涓?璁╂垜瑙夊緱 鎱曞绱嫳鏈夌偣閮侀椃锛屼粈涔堟劅鎯呮垙閮借疆涓嶅埌浠栵紝姣忔浜哄鎶辨姳锛屼粬閮藉彧鍦ㄦ梺杈圭湅銆?. I am definitely depressed if he hit a wall. Moreover, almost never mentioned Murong of life experience, people think that some follow-up flavor. . . Is also a rumor that 4 cents?

However, the overall story is very good, some next to the payment of the same people like the story of community.鏈夋椂鍊欒繕鐗瑰埆鎰熶汉(杩欎釜寤剁画浜嗕粰鍓戠殑浼犵粺浜?

3. Character design last 1 to 1, and is definitely a landmark. . Improvement of the screen with absolutely complement each other. Like in the. . . .

4.闊充箰闈炲父闈炲父寰楀ソ鍚? This makes me very happy, and, erhu and flute ensemble is with national characteristics, so much good music so I had to buy the soundtrack cd and the deluxe version of the.

Several comments raised

1. The weapons found after the battle to replace the screen will also change. .閭d箞涓轰粈涔堜笉鎶婅澶囪。鏈嶄篃涓?苟鍋氭帀鍛? .鑰屼笖锛岃繖涓妧鏈幇鍦ㄥ凡缁忔櫘閬嶈繍鐢ㄤ簬缃戞父锛屽簲璇ュ苟涓嶉毦寰楁妸銆?br />
2. Later in the game do not know is that eating allocation algorithm or the problem itself, in the time frame into the dialogue more cards. Wanted to come to my profile is not too low

1g of memory, amd3200 the cpu, 2 6600gt in sli system card, sata2 hard drive. .涓轰粈涔堢帺鐫?孩娓告垙閮戒細鍗″憿銆?br />
3. Despite rampant piracy, but in any case the game will always be cracked, and spend so much money on the security version of the game why not do better then.

After all, a good game is not afraid of piracy. .褰撳勾鎴戝湪缃戝惂鐜╃殑浠欏墤1锛屼絾鏄紝涔嬪悗鏈変簡鐢佃剳锛岃繕鏄幓涔颁簡姝g増鐨勪粰鍓?銆?. . This is well proved.

Well finally play. . Intends to purchase after 20 Deluxe Edition (mainly for music cd, although the Internet is also obtained.. But the good thing is I want to support)

So many years so I can put, also online hair Cheats, written reflections of the game is the first time. Graduated from college more than 1 year, work he is very busy, and the latter also busy abroad, going abroad to China before the intention to play a good game themselves, in fact, full of moving. After all is hard to do really see the game.

A paste, I say we still have to more hatred and doubt, after all, their children, do not curse will not grow, however, said that, I was distressed that their children have. Census drawn hope they get better. . As glorious as that time the company sold abroad. . Sword and to stick with it. . Be 11,12,13,14. By that time, my son play, I can proudly told him how his father then persistent obsession with the obsession with this game.


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Friday, July 30, 2010

"Random eight-digit" Beware of your U disk

The virus a "hijacking image" technology, the virus running, will generate a random numbers and letters composed by the 8-bit name of the virus process and try to close the variety of anti-virus software, firewalls and security tools to process, making an extremely difficult virus. Virus in the root directory of each partition generated Autorun.inf and random 8-bit EXE, the user double-click the hard drive to activate the virus. The virus also through U disk, MP3, mobile hard drives and other removable storage spread, spread very rapidly.

Image hijacking "technology that is currently widely used virus virus technology. Viruses using the technology of some antivirus and security software screen, when the computer user to perform the procedure to be shielded, the virus can lead to the implementation of the goals is empty, this to evade anti-virus software to kill.

According to reports, "random 8-digit" virus Trojan-like virus, using Delphi language, through the UPX packers processing tools. Virus running, make the system run slower, and the virus will try to close the variety of anti-virus software and firewall processes, so that users can not open the antivirus software and virus database can not be upgraded. Virus will shield the Registry Editor and msconfig other variety of security tools, to create difficulties for users to manually killing the virus. The virus will be downloaded from the specified URL Trojan variety of online games can be stolen, including World of Warcraft, Legend of the world, journey, including several online game account and password, games for the network equipment constitutes a significant threat.

Prevention and treatment measures:

1. Protect your U disk, MP3, mobile hard drives and other removable storage usage, when the external U disk access computer, please do not rush to double-click to open, be sure to read the anti-virus treatment, suggested a U disk virus immune function antivirus software, such as U-disk shield KV2007 unique technology that can drive the virus immune to all U U disk by double-clicking to run.

2. Lay the patch to the system, especially in MS06-014 and MS07-17 The two patches, most of the pages currently Trojans are two holes through the invasion to the computers inside.

3. To update anti-virus software virus database, so that regular upgrades, regular anti-virus.

4. Install the software to go to regular website, avoid software installation package is bundled into the Trojan.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Was brilliant: Ten-man weapon crack revealed inside story of classical

Factors affecting the development of shared software, many have been illegally sharing software crack can be said the number one enemy. Then the resulting difficulties in sharing software cracker who live in the end with those weapons? Today, so let me take you to see the mysterious ten categories of commonly used software cracker, which is shareware top ten killer!

First, debugging tools for soft-ice class and trw2000

soft-ice is widely recognized as the best trace debug tools. Use soft-ice can easily keep track of a software or monitoring software debug errors generated, it has dos, window3.1, win95/98/nt/2000 / each platform version. This version is the software used for debugging, tracing, debugging tools, in the cracker into the hands of the most horrible cracking tool; trw2000 is the Chinese people write their own debugging software is fully compatible with soft-ice the instructions, because now Many software can detect soft-ice presence, while trw2000 testing have sent many, many cracker so now it became a favorite.

trw2000 solve specific software has been optimized to track the debugger in windows, tracking more powerful; can set various breakpoints, breakpoint types, and more; it can be as complete as some shelling tool to remove the shell of the encryption automatically generated exe file, so it's cracked stronger, in the hands of crack development of the shared software bigger threat. It also under the dos version, called tr.

Second, disassemble tool wdasm8.93 Gold Edition and hiew

often the soft-ice cracker and trw2000 compared Tulong Dao, will then be compared to Heavenly Sword wdasm8.93. wdasm8.93 can easily disassemble the program, the program flow static analysis can also be dynamic analysis program. General version of the original based on the number of crackers has developed wdasm8.93 Gold Edition, stepped up a string of Chinese extraction. On the threat of domestic sharing software also greater. For example, this is fun fun Landlords sharing software, with a gold version of its disassembly can see the registration code, common version can not, you do not it powerful? Hiew is a hex tool, in addition to its ordinary hex system function, it also a feature that can disassemble file, and can modify the program in assembly instructions, use it to modify the program, convenient! This is the cracker have used static disassembly tool.

Third, visual basic debugging tools smartcheck

This is specifically for visual basic program debugger, program execution because vb is interpreted in essence, they just call vbrunxxx.dll the function, so vb executable file is a pseudo code program in vbxxx.dll inside the implementation. If the track with the soft-ice debugger which can only be used in vbdll play around, see something of value, and code quality is not high, the structure is still very complicated.

Of course, as long as the understanding of their characteristics with a soft-ice can also break, but the emergence of smartcheck greatly facilitate the cracker. smartcheck is numega company exports a great interpretation of the implementation process of debugging tools, the latest version is v6.03. It is very easy to use, you even do not know assembly language can easily manage it. Vb program which can be recorded in the implementation of the action completely, so that those who break easily break most of the vb program.

4, hex editor ultraedit

Hex hex editor can edit the file, modify the contents of the file. Although hiew is a hex tool is, but it is dos interface, many were prepared to make a break under a windows tool, such tools are many, such as: ultraedit, winhex, hex workshop, among which more ultraedit a unique and easy to operate, more finished version is available, it is very good hex editor, we recommend that you also find a use with.

5, registry monitoring tools

There are regshot, regmon or regsnap so. Microsoft operating systems, many settings are stored in the registry, windows registry is the core database tables stored in a variety of parameters, the direct control of the windows startup, loading hardware drivers as well as some windows applications normal operation. In the application software installed, there may be some of the necessary information into them, such as installation time, frequency of use, registration code, etc..

regshot, regmon monitor registry changes or regsnap is a tool through which to understand, monitor the application of the action in the registry, crack dealers often use them to monitor application in the registry changes.

6, file monitoring tool filemon

Can monitor the system operating conditions specified in the file, such as which file to open the specified file, which closed file, the data on which files to read and so on. Through it, any files you specify to monitor any read, write, open the other file operations can be monitored over it and provide full reporting information. Crack often use filemon monitor file system in order to understand the program at startup, shut down or verify registration code what to do when the hands and feet, and thus decrypt accordingly.

7, shell tools procdump

Now a lot of software plus a shell, "shell" is a dedicated to the protection software is not illegal to modify or decompile the program. They are usually run before, to get control, and then complete their task of protecting software. After packers in the tracking software when you can not see the real hex code, so you can serve the purpose of protecting software.

procdump is a tool to deal with software packers in the shelling, which can be stripped of many types of shells, but also files really are, and then modify the contents of the documents so much easier. Because it allows users to write their own script files, so use it off the shell software version packers. It also is an excellent tool for pe format changes, is an indispensable tool for shelling!

8, detection of file type tool

Such tools are typ, gtw, fileinfo and shock-2000. They are used to detect the type of software is packers, which can easily shock of 2000 to find any shell entry point encryption, including encryption shell asprotect and Phantom can. Such software is generally used with procdump and debugging software, and use them to find the program packers type, with procdump or soft-ice, trw2000 shelling.

9 resource Trainer exescope

exescope is a tool to modify software resources, and powerful. exescope in the absence of resource files to analyze, display different information, rewriting the executable file resources, including (exe, dll, ocx) and so on. It can be edited directly using vc + + and delphi compiled program resources, including menus, dialog boxes, string tables, etc., is a common tool in software localization. The hands of the crack, it is often used to modify the file resources in the menus, dialog boxes, string tables, etc., to solve the needs of the information displayed (such as changing the copyright information, etc.), modify the software in order to achieve the purpose.

10, api call query tool api spy

As the name suggests, this program is to detect what software is called api. windows api is called when the program executes a function, with the under dos int (interrupt) almost, windows provide many of these functions allow programmers to apply, the main purpose is to cut software development time, we develop software to facilitate.

api spy api call for such a monitoring software, which lets you view what the application calls the api, so as to arrive on the api call crackers useful information through these api calls to set the breakpoint to achieve the purpose of cracking software. It can work in windows95/98/nt/2000 platform.

Well, shareware top ten killers introduce you finished, how to deal with them is your things. Be noted is that the software mentioned above are all "legitimate" software, but in the hands of different users have played a different purpose. Would like a gun in the hands of the people's army is defending the homeland and the weapons, in all sorts of the wrong hands is a weapon, do not produce this software on to these stereotypes Oh!

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Friday, April 2, 2010

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